Monday, October 19, 2009

RACISM (a nightmare)

One day in august walking along the dusty road in South Carolina, it was summer and i think the temperature was at least 100 in the shade, but i was going to visit my aunt. i was an only child, but she had a house full of children and we play well together. i used to walk there quite often, things seems to be beter than it used to be. As i walked along, i felt as though i was getting baked alive, my blond hair was turning a different color. i dont know why but the hottest day of the year i lift my straw hat home. As i continue to walk, it was as though i could count with my toes, each pebble on the ground. how i sished for a ride. a few cars passed by, but i wouldnt dare get into someone's car unless i knew them well. i had been warned especially about the colored people, i was so afraid of them.

Finally someone came along that i knew well. it was Buzz and Dan. i was happy to see them, they grew up in the community and besides, they lived on the next street from me. so i jumped in the car feeling rather safe. Buzz was driving and he mentioned something about a short cut through the woods. for some reason i began to feel butterflies in my stomach, but these were good guys why should i feel uncomfortable? after all i saw them in church every sunday. then suddenly the car stopped and i was asked to get out so they could fine out wat the problem was.

By the time my feet touched the ground, my entire body was on the ground and they rolled me over and over. i asked them to stop but they wouldnt listen, i yelled and kicked but, their wasnt a house in sight. Buzz calledme a cry baby and told me to shut up because we were going to have some fun and i would like it. they tossed me around as though i was a beach ball. i could no longer fight the two of them off, so i lay motionless on the ground, i felt as though i was being crushed by a heavy building. i was there for what seemed to me , hours. my body begsan to ache all over. when the ordeal was completed, i was left alone with my clothes hlf torn off. i was dirty and bugs were crawling on me. somehow i managed to crawl back to the side of the dusty road, i tried to stand when i heard the next car coming, but fell as the car came closer. as i lay on the ground i could hear the car door slam. maybe a nice lady was coming to help me, As i looked up, i could see this colored man standing over me, i quickly said to him, please dont hurt me... i told him who i was and who my parents were, then i blacked out.

The next day, i found out that the doctor had been to visit me during the night. as i lay in bed i heard my parent's say; ''He wont get away with it" i called to them so i could explain what had happened, but they wouldnt listen. they told me they knew what happened and he would never hurt anyone else.

The headlines in the paper read: COLORED BOY RAPES WHITE GIRL. I tried to tell them that they were making a mistake but they refused to believe me. i knew he was innocent, he helped me. Nice boys like Dan and Buzz wouldnt do a thing like that. i continued to tell them that they were making a mistake but everyone turned a deaf ear to me. a few days passed and the poor colored boy was HANGED. i begand to tell myself it was all a bad dream. about six weeks following the hanging, i was unable to distinguish what was reality. i was finally placed in a mental institution. that was over 20years ago. i still remain in the institution, every night that poor boy that was hanged comes to visit me. i cant forget him will it ever go away? because of me he died and because of him, I DIE TOO.....